December 6, 2013

Why Autistics Have Tics, Spasms, and Seizures

So why do autistics have so many tics, spasms, and seizures? This is complicated, but it has to do with neurotoxins. Neurotoxins are toxins which harm the nerves or nerve functioning somehow. They can be created inside the body (endogenous), or enter the body from outside (exogenous). [youtube][/youtube] Endogenous toxins […]
November 29, 2013

Why Autistics Have Digestive Stink and Upset

Why do autistics tend to have SO many digestive problems, and really bad stink associated with bowel movements?  Why are constipation or diarrhea so common?  Why are we so likely to have smelly feet, bad breath, and noxious body odours?  I’m sorry folks, but we can’t deal with it if […]
November 22, 2013

Why Autistics Have Meltdowns

Why do autistics tend to have so many meltdowns? Many people mix meltdowns with tantrums, and try to scold or shame the meltdown away (which in a true meltdown, doesn’t even register until later, when we’ve had a chance to calm down). There’s a very clear difference between meltdowns and […]
November 15, 2013

Why Autistics Have Rigid Routines

Our rigid routines can be really, really aggravating for the people around us. So I’m going to give you a little thought experiment, to help you understand what is going on for us autistics. My firm belief is that if you can relate our behaviours to your own life and […]
November 9, 2013

Why Autistics Have Sensory Sensitivities

In North America, the impacts of things like alcohol tend to be common knowledge, even if we haven’t experienced them ourselves.  We’re aware that getting intoxicated will entail sensory distortions, more emotional expressivity (and sometimes volatility), and the impairment of coordination.  We’re also aware that, once the intoxication is over, […]
November 1, 2013

Why are autistics hyperactive, and why do we run away?

One of the scariest things for many parents and caregivers of autistics is how fast we autistics can move, and disappear.  Many autistic children drown every year, because we’re so drawn to the calming influence of the water.  There are swimming techniques taught to toddlers which autistics of any age […]
October 25, 2013

Why Autistics Chew or Suck Constantly, or Won’t Wear Hats

Many autistics chew or suck things constantly, and some of these things aren’t very good for us. Many of us also won’t wear hats, headbands, earmuffs, or anything else that sits too tightly around our heads.  There are some reasons for this. When we’re autistic, we tend to have neither […]
October 18, 2013

Why Won’t Autistics Look, or Pay Attention?

Autistics may seem like they’re not paying attention, or not looking at you, when you want them to know or remember something.  Did you know that the ‘noisiest’ of all the senses is vision? If something is visually distracting you, it is very hard to pay attention to anything else. […]
October 4, 2013

Why do autistics struggle with clean clothes, and haircuts?

Why do autistics wear the same clothes all the time, or not want to get a haircut? Let’s start with clothes. There can be a couple of reasons that an autistic doesn’t like to wear clean clothes. The first reason is that the sensations of clothes on your body can […]