Preventive Health Care

August 18, 2014

Unethical Autism Treatments?

Because many parents of children with ASDs want the best for their children, and because there is so much controversy and in-fighting around what autism is (very common, when old models are no longer able to explain – or dismiss – the accumulation of new observations), this is a situation […]
July 24, 2014

Can’t Afford Autism Recovery?

Part of the reason my own recovery has been at a turtle’s pace is the cost. Here in Canada, even though we have public health care, M.D.s are still being trained to believe that nothing can be done about autism. To access several other kinds of health care, you need […]
July 22, 2014

Cashew Sour Cream

Many of us in the autistic spectrum can’t eat dairy products.  Sometimes we have outright allergies, and sometimes just gut dysbiosis, in which case the opiates in the milk protein (casein) don’t get broken down, and end up making us fuzzy brained and addicted. Now, dairy products also add to […]
June 21, 2014

Toxic Snail Mail – Another Hazard of Autism

You might think I’m joking.  Or you might even think I’m exaggerating for effect.  But no.  Sending mail  as physical letters and packages in Canada has recently become a guaranteed toxic hazard for people with autism. Why?  Quick refresher: the airways are the fastest pathway into the bloodstream man-made scents […]
May 29, 2014

If Your Body is a Temple, Food is the Brick and Mortar for Repair

There are lots of good resources out there which are now clarifying the powerful link between food and health. If our bodies don’t have the specific types of bricks and mortar they need to do maintenance and repairs, the consequences fall on our thinking, our emotions, our physical health, and […]
March 24, 2014

Female and Autistic: Masked

When you’re studying people with ASDs from an insider’s perspective, two things become obvious demographically, very quickly. Less than 1/4 of autistic females are diagnosed and given support before age 18. There are no services or supports funded for adults over 18. Add the western medical bias of assuming that […]
February 1, 2014

Why I don’t talk much about ABA and IBI

Travis just sent me a note, asking this: “Hi Jackie, I notice you don’t include any behavioural or other social, communication intervention in your training avtivities, They are among the most effctive for young children with ASDs in advancing their development. Is there a reason you don’t cover those? ” […]
August 27, 2013

Restoring Health — Or Not.

The Story of Mike and Jackie Mike was born on August 18th, 1958.  He was one of my dearest friends from July 1988 until his death on May 15, 2013.  The day before he died, he had spent hosting a mother’s day celebration for his family, his parents living a […]
July 8, 2013

Curing Idea Resistance in the North American Medical System

My heart goes out to Dr. Peter Attia for the experience he gained from his own error, and the life challenges that left him questioning all of his assumptions. I can’t thank him enough for voicing the problem of Idea Resistance in our North American medical profession. Licensing boards seem to […]